Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Carving Pumpkins

It's that time of year again. Time to carve pumpkins...why do the kids love it so much? We took the kid's pumpkins and hollowed them out. Then the kids got to choose a pattern for their carving. The boys worked together and the girls worked together. I thought they turned out pretty cute.

Prison Break

Well, we did it. A few of us girls in the neighborhood agreed to run Prison Break (thanks to a little coaxing from Jenny and Cala). We chose between the 5K (me), the 10K, or the 1/2 marathon. It was fun to experience together as friends. Things I would do differently: wear gloves, bring sun glasses, have a parka or blanket in the car for after the race was freezing!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Something I Heart

I saw these earrings in Hawaii and I think I heart them. I have a fixation on pineapples ever since I learned they mean hospitality in the south. I think they are so cute. It's a good thing I bought a pair :)

Prince Nathan

Nate was invited to a royal birthday party where the boys and girls had to dress up like royalty...I think he looks pretty good. He had a great time.

Fall is in the air

We took our annual trip the Pumpkin Patch. The kids each got to pick out a pumpkin and I chose a few to decorate our house. This little pumpkin patch off of Star Road is our favorite. The pumpkins are cheap and they have tons to choose from.

Hawaii + Relaxation = weak moment

Imagine yourselves just returning from a week-long vacation in Hawaii sans kids and husband. Your thoughts of the past week are knowing that you you will never be able to duplicate such a perfect week in kids, no obligations, eating what you want, shopping when you want napping when you want etc. you get the idea. Well, I felt a little guilty about the great time I had which is what my family was counting on. All of the planets aligned perfectly and Hell basically froze over because now we are the proud owner of a .....drum roll please.....DOG. My kids and my husband are so happy that we have this little walking hairball but the jury is still out for me. They did let me name him. His name is Paisley (I call him Paisley Poo) he's a shih tzu. Oh, and stay tuned for our family Christmas card picture...yes Paisley is in them (we're becoming those people)


Hey...does this helmet make my head look big?

Andrew's Third Birthday

We celebrated Andrew's birthday in Utah with some of his cousins. We had horsey cupcakes with Conner, Carson and Chase and he unwrapped his favorite gift of all...Mater and Lightning McQueen. (Andrew calls him Professor McQueen). Then we had a horsey cake with his other cousins. Every day he asks me to make another horsey cake. Needless to say it took a little time. I found the darling cake pattern on under the cakes tab. I've made a few of their cakes and they are very easy. They show you step by step instructions and most of the decorations are candy...but I digress. Andrew's birthday was lots of fun and centered around him, just like he likes it. Happy birthday sweetie!


We took a little side trip to see Rachel and her darling kids. We got to see their new home, their school and catch up on their lives. Their home is beautiful and Rachel decorated it so well. She also had cupcakes for the kids to decorate. She is an amazing hostess. We had a great time catching up with our time we'll stay longer!

Trip to Utah

The kids and I decided to take a few days and spend them in Utah with my sissy and her family and to see Rachel and her cute kiddos. We had a great time. We went to the Bean Museum in Provo (we haven't been there before but the kids really liked it) we also went to the art exhibit and ate Navajo Tacos at the Cougareat...delicious!

Sun Valley Book Club

My book club decided to take our monthly meeting on the road. We drove to beautiful Sun Valley and stayed overnight in what we thought would be a nice condo...much to our surprise we were upgraded to a 4 bedroom cottage. We stayed up until 3:00 am playing cards and talking. We also did a little shopping and a lot of eating. Thanks for the great time ladies!