Morgan had a big week. She started it by going to the eye doctor and discovering she was far-sighted and needed glasses for reading and practicing the piano. She was very excited to get them and looks so cute with them on!
Morgan has been growing her hair out to donate it to Locks of Love ( to make wigs for children who have cancer. We measured her hair and decided it was time to cut it. We took her to the salon and they took great care of her. They cut her hair into a cute a-line bob which makes her look so much older...especially with her new glasses on!
Finally, Morgan started school on the 15th of August. I can't believe summer is almost over. We miss her at home so much. We love you Morgan.
It's about time you posted a new post!! Morgan is so cute. Kate wants her hair like Morgans now. call me
Morgan, you are one gorgeous girl! I love the glasses and the new hair.
Morgan, you look beautiful in your new glasses and short hair. Bradley thinks so too!
You have the most beautiful kids ever, I can not believe how fast Morgan has grown up!! She looks like she could be 12, you and david are in serious trouble in a few years!!! :)
Morgan, Your grandma ad Grandpa allen are so proud of you - cutting your beautiful hair to share with a little girl with no hair, and you do look so cute in your new hair style - and new glasses? Wow, do your class mates recognize you? We love you so much grandma and grandpa Allen
You've been tagged, go to my blog for details!!! :)
Umm, I think it's time for a new post, don't you?????????
Time for a new post...?
Ummmm did you just jump off the face of blogging world??? !!!!
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