Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Beautiful colors

I walked Nathan to school today and took a minute to look around at the beautiful fall colors.  I love the tree in our front yard.  The leaves are blazing red.  I had to take a picture.  This alone is proof that God loves us!  Happy Fall

Monday, November 3, 2008

Drew and his trucks

Drew has an obsession with trucks (see his birthday post)  I stub my toes on one of his trucks daily.  It is so funny to watch him drive them.  The trucks have to be hooked up to each other and he insists that the "man" that came with the dump truck (which is very large and portly)  has to sit with the man in the blue truck which looks more like the YMCA construction worker ...needless to say, there is a problem with fitting them both in the front seat - which is the only place they are allowed to sit per Andrew.  I just push the chunky guy in and slam the door as quickly as I can.  Thank goodness that is an "approved" method and makes Drew happy.

Suri Cruise?

When I get the costume box out each year the kids love to try on all of the wigs and capes and costumes.  Andrew put this wig on and I thought he looked a little like Suri Cruise...what do you think?


Halloween was so fun this year.  First of all the weather was so nice so the kids didn't need to bundle up to Trick-or-Treat.  Morgan was a witch, Nathan was Spider man (he was Peter Parker half of the night when he couldn't wear his mask anymore) and Andrew was a fierce lion.  I was a witch (big surprise) and David was a rock star.  He looked great.  I found him some leather pants in his size at Goodwill.  Then I bought a shirt that was painted to look like tattoos.  Then he wore a wig with a bandana, black nail polish and makeup.  He won the best costume prize at a party we went to.  When we went to our church party everyone took a double take because they couldn't believe the bishop dressed up like that!  We had a blast.   Halloween night the switch witch came to our home and traded the kid's candy for a prize.  What a win-win for everyone! We hope you had a great Halloween too.

Linder Farms Punkin Patch

We did it!  We went to the biggest and "best" pumpkin patch in the area.  Needless to say it was Saturday and one of the warmest most beautiful days in October and it was PACKED with people. We went with Brooke and Bill and their kids.  We caught the first hayride to one of fields and the kids carefully and methodically picked up every pumpkin and examined it and put it back down...picked up the next pumpkin and so on.  It was so fun to watch little Andrew find his perfect pumpkin.  It was the only one he could really carry with the stem.  After the very involved pumpkin selection, we went to the petting zoo and fed the animals.  They had a zebra, camel, bull, and random sheep and ponies.  The only disappointing thing about the day was the food line.  The kids were ready for some baby sized homemade doughnuts.  The only problem is we had to wait in a loooong line to get tokens and then wait in another loooong line to get the doughnuts.  We left and got a Peanut Buster Parfait at Dairy Queen.  Yummy!